Kate's Blog

Latest Thoughts on all things Agatha

11 June 2024 👁 54
Agatha Annotated is Now One Year Old!

Agatha Annotated is Now One Year Old!

It's hard to believe, but yes, the Agatha Annotated glossary was published one year ago in June of 2023.  Let's review the past twelve months: I learned a lot about publishing and marketing. I met many wonderful people who are also Agatha Christie fans. I was selected to speak at the International Agatha Christie Festival. It's been quite a ride!

04 June 2024 👁 118
Colonel Carter Shares His Memories of the Shanghai Club

Colonel Carter Shares His Memories of the Shanghai Club

One of my favorite scenes in The Murder of Roger Ackroyd is Chapter XVI, “An Evening at Mah Jong.” Yes, the gossip around the game table provides plenty of red herrings for us to consider, but what I love are the homey little details about Caroline, Miss Gannett, and Colonel Carter. 

28 May 2024 👁 59
So Pumped that the Spanish Barn Won't Be Empty!

So Pumped that the Spanish Barn Won't Be Empty!

So relieved — and excited! — that tickets to my presentation at the International Agatha Christie Festival are selling. Whew!

21 May 2024 👁 80
Learning from an Unfortunate Book Marketing Surprise

Learning from an Unfortunate Book Marketing Surprise

While writing and publishing a book is hard, marketing that book is a whole ‘nother kind of hard. Here is my most recent tale of woe:

14 May 2024 👁 61
Will It Be a Lovely Day for a Craft Fair this Weekend?

Will It Be a Lovely Day for a Craft Fair this Weekend?

Craft fairs, author events, and presentations are way more dependent on the weather than you would think. I'm hoping for bad weather rather than good for the Willow Lake Estates Craft Fair on Saturday.


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What is Agatha Annotated?

This website is the home of the Agatha Christie database as annotated by Kate Gingold, hence the name Agatha Annotated.

It's a rich glossary of

  • nearly 1900 terms
  • over 200 illustrations
  • 347 French phrases

Kate found them while reading Agatha Christie novels, and wrote them, along with definitions curated from years of research, into this database.

Currently the first 11 Christie books, those she wrote in the 1920s, are annotated here. 

Anybody can be a member and gain access to this rich glossary. Visit the Community page to learn the details.

We took the 1920s terms and published a book, Agatha Annotated: Investigating the Books of the 1920s, now available on Amazon in Paperback or Kindle format.

Kate will be adding to the database and members get the new terms and definitions first before the second volume is printed, plus members can comment and ask questions about the terms and Kate and other members can reply.

We hope you enjoy. Click around the pages to learn more.

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