Kate's Blog

Latest Thoughts on all things Agatha

27 August 2024 👁 57
Authors Fair at Gail Borden Library

Authors Fair at Gail Borden Library

I will once again be participating in the Authors Fair at the Gail Borden Library in Elgin, and I hope to see you there!

Export event10/6/2024 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM  
20 August 2024 👁 74
Check It Out! My Podcast Debut on "All About Agatha" Is Now Live.

Check It Out! My Podcast Debut on "All About Agatha" Is Now Live.

When Kemper Donovan contacted me for an interview I was thrilled because he’s such a big name in the Agatha Christie space. But I was also terrified. Because he’s such a big name in the Agatha Christie space!

12 August 2024 👁 45
Elmhurst Author Fair

Elmhurst Author Fair

Join me and a plethora (Don't you love that word?) of other folks at the Elmhurst Library Author Fair on Saturday, August 24.

Export event8/24/2024 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM  
06 August 2024 👁 99
Who Are the Big Fours in "The Big Four?"

Who Are the Big Fours in "The Big Four?"

Many readers comment that The Big Four is not their favorite Christie novel, and even Agatha herself called it “that rotten book.”* Of course, fans will still read it, so it only makes sense to know a bit about what we’re reading. Such as: Who are these Big Fours?

30 July 2024 👁 50
Polished "Lost Lingo" Gets Another Preview Next Week

Polished "Lost Lingo" Gets Another Preview Next Week

We have taken all of the suggestions and vibes to heart, fine-tuned our "Lost Lingo" presentation, and will be showing off the new version on Monday at a local 50+ group.


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What is Agatha Annotated?

This website is the home of the Agatha Christie database as annotated by Kate Gingold, hence the name Agatha Annotated.

It's a rich glossary of

  • nearly 1900 terms
  • over 200 illustrations
  • 347 French phrases

Kate found them while reading Agatha Christie novels, and wrote them, along with definitions curated from years of research, into this database.

Currently the first 11 Christie books, those she wrote in the 1920s, are annotated here. 

Anybody can be a member and gain access to this rich glossary. Visit the Community page to learn the details.

We took the 1920s terms and published a book, Agatha Annotated: Investigating the Books of the 1920s, now available on Amazon in Paperback or Kindle format.

Kate will be adding to the database and members get the new terms and definitions first before the second volume is printed, plus members can comment and ask questions about the terms and Kate and other members can reply.

We hope you enjoy. Click around the pages to learn more.

Become a Subscriber Now
