Kate's Blog

Latest Thoughts on all things Agatha

12 March 2024

Now It Feels Real! That's Me on the International Agatha Christie Festival Website!

Now It Feels Real! That's Me on the International Agatha Christie Festival Website!

Tickets are now on sale for the International Agatha Christie Festival and the planners have posted the events available. I'm one of them, so I guess this is really happening!

There is a wide range of interesting topics and an impressive list of Christie experts who will be presenting. I have not actually met any of them although I read their books and listen to their podcasts. These are big names in the Agatha Christie world and I feel very much like a Johnny-come-lately.

Interestingly, that phrase, "Johnny-come-lately," perfectly describes me. Not only does it refer to one who has only recently joined the group, it is an American adaptation of an earlier British term, "Johnny Newcome," which describes a new sailor who joins a ship's crew. As an American, joining an established British crew, and who revels in the obscure meanings of words...Well, you can't get more apt than that!

Naturally, I'm veering between excitement and dread. I've heard that everyone at the Festival is very, very nice and I do want to meet the Christie experts whose work I already know quite well. More importantly, I'm really looking forward to meeting lots and lots of fellow Christie fans! If you are also going to the International Agatha Christie Festiva and you see me wandering around, please stop and say "hello." And if you would come to my talk on "Lost Lingo," that would be even better! I hope to see you there!

👁 107

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What is Agatha Annotated?

This website is the home of the Agatha Christie database as annotated by Kate Gingold, hence the name Agatha Annotated.

It's a rich glossary of

  • nearly 1900 terms
  • over 200 illustrations
  • 347 French phrases

Kate found them while reading Agatha Christie novels, and wrote them, along with definitions curated from years of research, into this database.

Currently the first 11 Christie books, those she wrote in the 1920s, are annotated here. 

Anybody can be a member and gain access to this rich glossary. Visit the Community page to learn the details.

We took the 1920s terms and published a book, Agatha Annotated: Investigating the Books of the 1920s, now available on Amazon in Paperback or Kindle format.

Kate will be adding to the database and members get the new terms and definitions first before the second volume is printed, plus members can comment and ask questions about the terms and Kate and other members can reply.

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