Kate's Blog

Latest Thoughts on all things Agatha

4 August 2023

Author Fair at Elmhurst Library

Event date: 8/19/2023 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Export event

Author Fair at Elmhurst Library

Agatha Annotated's first outing at an author fair will be Saturday, August 19, at the Elmhurst Library. If you're in the area, stop by to say hello and meet almost 60 other area authors!

It's been a long time since I took part in an event like this and I'm really looking forward to it. In the past, my display table was decorated in an 1800's pioneer theme with baskets and calico, so I'm working on a 1920s theme to introduce Agatha Annotated. I will have my pioneer books for sale as well, so it will be a challenge on how to display everything!

This will be my first time at this particular event and I don't recognize a single name on the author list, but there are almost 60 different writers who are taking part who produce a whole range of genres. You're bound to find something you want to read!

This Local Author Fair is Saturday, August 19, from 10:00a until 2:00p at the Elmuhurst Library, 125 S. Prsopect Avenue in Elmhurst. The library is quite near the Elmhurst Art Museum, the Elmhurst History Museum, and the Wilder Park Conservatory, so you could make a lovely day out of it! I have been to all of these and enjoyed them very much. 

We authors will be spread arund the library, so I'll keep an eye out for you as you wander around, talking to all the authors. See you there!

👁 57

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What is Agatha Annotated?

This website is the home of the Agatha Christie database as annotated by Kate Gingold, hence the name Agatha Annotated.

It's a rich glossary of

  • nearly 1900 terms
  • over 200 illustrations
  • 347 French phrases

Kate found them while reading Agatha Christie novels, and wrote them, along with definitions curated from years of research, into this database.

Currently the first 11 Christie books, those she wrote in the 1920s, are annotated here. 

Anybody can be a member and gain access to this rich glossary. Visit the Community page to learn the details.

We took the 1920s terms and published a book, Agatha Annotated: Investigating the Books of the 1920s, now available on Amazon in Paperback or Kindle format.

Kate will be adding to the database and members get the new terms and definitions first before the second volume is printed, plus members can comment and ask questions about the terms and Kate and other members can reply.

We hope you enjoy. Click around the pages to learn more.

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Agatha Annotated: Glossary of Terms

Agatha Annotated glossary, books, data base, essays and all content on this website are property of Gnu Ventures Company; all rights reserved; no copying without express permission.

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Annotator Kate Gingold

Kate Gingold

... has been a huge fan of the works of Agatha Christie her entire adult life. Christie's vivid descriptions of picturesque English life in the early-to-mid twentieth century fascinated Kate, but many of the people and places were unfamiliar to her. A writer herself, as well as a researcher and historian with several local history books to her credit, Kate began a list of these strange words and set out to define them. Now, Christie fans like you and all those who come after will be able to fully enjoy the richness of Agatha Christie novels with their own copy of Agatha Annotated.

Learn more about Kate